Friday, 17 May 2013


If Wayne LaPierre was Mosses he would have came down from the mount with the Ten Commandments plus the second amendment.

Congress is so useless when they get paid it should be considered collecting unemployment.

There's something wrong when we worry more about what neighbors are getting from our government than what Wall Street is stealing from it.


  1. Again, it is funny because it is true.

    Recently in Germany all the ministers agreed on giving themselves an 8% pay raise...I am agreeing on giving myself a 10% pay raise.

    1. It's the same here. Congress has voted themselves healthcare for life, their kids don't have to pay back their college loans, raises and it goes on and on. It just breeds corruption. If they hand any balls they'd let us vote them raises on merit. And pay the same healthcare premiums we do. Things might change faster that way.

  2. thou shalt not kill would be ammended to include firearms and people on your property...haha.....

    1. You're right. It would also include people who you think mean you harm because they are another race than you. The whole gun issue is very complicated one that can be solved with some thought from both sides if the just shot the Gun Lobby.

  3. I'm one of those people who tries to figure out how people get government benefits 'cause I want in on the action!!!

    1. I know too many people who survived and then thrived because of government benefits. The abuse is so tiny compared to the abuse that Wall Street and big banks get. If we took their abuse and got their money back, we'd all never have to work a day again. It's just easier to relate to when it's someone who is nearer to your world. The banks and Wall street are the ones who are really do us the disservice. Do you know that for very $1 we spend in food stamps the government gets back between $1.04 an d $1.07. It actually makes a profit. And most people on welfare work, some two and three jobs. But until they raise the minimum wage they will not get off welfare. The corporations don't want the minimum wage raised. So we're stuck. Oh, well, I'm ranting from a long drive last night and coffee deprived. Sorry and have a great weekend.

  4. the sad thing is most congressmen and senators can afford not to get paid. Mostly big wigs looking out for their own interests. "Low taxes and no regulations are good for the American people. See we're American and people. Makes perfect sense."

    1. Boy you said it all there. Nothing I can add to that.

  5. No mincing of words over here, I see. Nice brass. :)

    1. I don't know if you meant me or Adam. I think you meant Adam. I think it said it short and succinctly.

  6. LOL I'd like to receive their unemployment check just once, be set for years, greedy sobs.

    1. I haven't collected unemployment since I was a kid. I'd just like to have my kids loans paid off the congressmen and women get. What a job!

  7. I want those benefits too, maybe i everyone became a politician, the actual politicians would end up in the gutter

    1. Great idea! We should all run for office and just vote for each other get them scabs out of office.

  8. You are sooooo right about Congress.

  9. I thought I commented on this. I must have been distracted. You said it..... Congress and useless .... same same. Why? Are they scared? Paid off? Sucked in? Even if it's a money thing, what do they think will happen to their money when the feds stop printing money.
