Wednesday, 6 March 2013


A man without regrets is a man who didn't have any options.

Death is not the end of life, it's the beginning of nothing!

In order for me to wake up and smell the roses, I have to shower and take out the garbage.


  1. Speaking of taking out the garbage.... We had fish the other night and 2 days later, we can still smell it in the house. I think I am going to wait and cook fish out on the grill from now on.

    1. I think that before you cook it, you should keep it in the refrigerator, not hang it on the wall as a trophy. Seriously, how did you cook it?

  2. haha its too cold to take the garbage out today...and that first one...there is as much wisdom as humor in it....

    1. I didn't think the first one was funny. I just get tired of hearing people say they don't have any regrets. Everyone has to have something they regret, even if it's like the person above who cooked fish in his house.

    2. AMEN John. Who doesn't have regrets? No regrets from even going to Taco Hell and sitting on the toilet blowing your butt to smithereens?

    3. I honestly think the more chances you take in life the more individual regrets you have, but overall it becomes less of a regret. Because you're not going to succeed without failing and taking chances. Some of the biggest successes I know have failed the most.

  3. All true, and I think I may need a double dose of chocolate for my visits here.


  4. Well nothing is something so maybe something will come from nothing.

    1. Your statement is nothing to brag about, which mean soon you'll have something to brag about, or does what I just said, mean nothing.

  5. Thank You, I'm full of lines that give me the illusion of depth.

  6. Disagree about death, but that's okay to disagree about it, right? I think its the beginning of something that could be wonderful.

    I better think about taking out our garbage......a little stinky here and it definitely doesn't smell like garbage :)


  7. I often write lines that aren't necessarily what i believe in. That line was from a movie film that I wrote. I honestly I have no idea if there is anything after we die, I just hope what ever it is I have a chance to shower first.
